韓國人氣綜藝節目《Running Man》李光洙到訪香港期間特意到訪南記粉麵分店, 品嘗韓國人極力推薦的「招牌辣豬肉 - 酸辣米線」。韓國人愛吃煙韌的年糕, 而南記粉麵的米線夠辣夠煙韌, 嚴如韓國優質年糕, 加上香濃的酸辣湯底, 因此成為韓國人氣 的港式食店。
‘香港仔’南記粉麵已進駐韓國, 於集合購物、休閒、療養的大型購物中心Shinsegae Department Store (Hanam)開業。即使遠至韓國,南記粉麵最受歡迎的產品依然是「招牌春卷」及 「招牌辣豬肉 - 酸辣米線」。據知韓國人習慣食麵時 將湯喝光,以品嚐食材的原汁原味,因此最愛南記粉麵的「酸辣」湯底, 因為當地人覺得辣湯才可解酒, 韓國人覺得此湯底最適宜配酒食用或用作解酒湯!有興趣的您不妨一試。經常到韓國的您,請密切留意有關‘香港仔’南記粉麵韓國發展的資訊。

South Korean actor “Lee Kwang-soo” of a popular variety show《Running Man》was spotted at Nam Kee Springroll Noodles while filming for the variety show in Hong Kong, enjoying “Springroll and Spicy pork collar in sour & spicy soup” with rice noodle. Nam Kee is popular among Korean because our chewy rice noodle is similar to the quality Korean rice cake adored by Korean who believes it’s best when paired with sour & spicy soup!
Hong Kong Nam Kee Springroll Noodle landed its first store in megamall Starfield Hanam, Shinsegae Department Store. Signature products such as “Springroll and Spicy pork collar in sour & spicy soup” with rice noodle are still Korean’s favourite. A unique practice in Korea is they would not only finish the noodles but also the soup, which is a great compliment to the shop as it proofs how tasty it is! Korean customers recommend to enjoy this with wine or after drinking wine, it’s worth a try if you’re new to this!